About my IT background

Hey this is a story part of the "intro" series. Today, I will speak about my IT background and hobbies.

The Beginning

I started to code when I was 14. I started to learn C and found myself an interest in robotics and computer vision. Today I have a Master's degree in Computer Science, and I am working in differents topics, still focused on AI fields and algorithms.

During my studies, I was a chairman of a Robotic Society at my school.
I did learn a lot but, due to limited resources, and after meeting the right people, I started to learn less robotics to focus more in other technologies, such as Web Development with Python and Node.JS, QA Testing with Java & JavaEE or DevOPS with Docker.

My daily life

Currently I'm working mainly in JavaScript & Typescript. I am using Node.JS and React.Js when building web applications. I also use Docker on a daily basis. I recently started to learn Rust language and I quite like it!

On a daily basis, I'm working as a Senior Software Developer at New Things Co.

About my (IT) hobbies

I'm still really curious about robotics, IoT and IA topics. I periodically invest some money on KickStarter when I see nice IoT or IA projects such as the Onion and the AZ courses.

When it comes to learning, I prefer the hands on approach: For a given subject I want to learn, I'll define a project related to this subject and start building and learning by doing.

One of my long term project being to learn how to write, the creation of this blog follows the same logic. I'll try to write down about my ongoing projects and topics I find interesting.


To sum up: I'm a Senior Software Developer who's currently working mainly in Javascript/Typesccript with a Docker, Mongo, Node and React stack but I'm also passionate about IoT and AI (mostly computer vision) topics.

Thank you for reading! This blog is an experiment for me. I would be happy if you could leave me your feedback at blog@armanddu.com or tweet me @ArmandDu_ so I can improve my writing skills.